Horticulture for Self reliance

Horticulture for Self reliance : Innovative method of farming for continuous in-house supply of vegitables has been started using ‘pit farming’ technique that uses no chemical fertilizer.

Solar power and back up DG

To overcome electrical power outages ( average 6 hrs a day) a combination of solar power and DG power system has been installed.

Water harvesting and aquifer recharging

Insipte of getting over 80 cms of annual rainfall we still face severe water shortage during the summer months. This project will make Nirdhar self reliant and ensure three vegitable crops in a year.

Upgrading building & facilities

Nirdhar building is over 25 years old and requires upgrading the dining hall, kitchen, common room, launderette, water supply & sanitation services. The building also needs to be renovated and made old age/ physical disability friendly as required by many ICP/ residents.